#{ BePenalizer, Penalty-port. If someone hits this port (default 1), further communication with that IP# will be denied. This is mainly to disturb hackers running port-scans., default:On, legal:Portnumber/On/Off }
#{ Redirect, Redirects a port to an IP, legal:[ip:]port address[:port] }
#{ MailRobot, Email of mailrobot. This should be a unique address, not used for anything else., default:majordomo, legal:email }
#{ IsSpam, Which mail to discard, legal:fromaddress>toaddress yes/no }
#{ ExtMailFilter, Run external program to handle mail., legal:path to executable }
#{ MailDelay, How often to retry failed mail., default:10m, legal:time }
#{ tcpnodelay, set ON to disable Nagle-algorithm and use internal instead.(Unverified problems with disabling nagle on win95 dialups.), default:Off, legal:On/Off }
#{ msbufsize, size of tcp-buffer, default:1460, legal:bytes }
#{ OutSMTP, Set this to the hostname of an outer smtpserver if you want every outgoing mail to go thru it, legal:hostname }
#{ BackupSMTP, Backup-SMTP if Viking can't deliver directly (or to OutSMTP), legal:hostname }
#{ PopFrom, Pop from host for user:pass and send to newmail., legal:user:pass@host newmail }
#{ MultiPopFrom, Pop from host for user:pass and send to newmail if the server can't succesfully determine who should receive the mail., legal:user:pass@host newmail }
#{ ETRNFrom, ETRN for domain from host., legal:hostname domain }
#{ UUCPFrom, Send and receive mail via UUCP, legal:[localuuname,]user:password@host }
#{ PopFrequency, how often to pop, default:10m, legal:time }
#{ PopMax, how many mail to pop from each server at one time, default:10, legal:numeric }
#{ RASDial, Settings to connect to provider. If you are not using RAS but an ISDN-router, specify * for optimum usage of line, legal:provider username password }
#{ MaxIdleOnline, how long time to stay idle online without active connections, default:5m, legal:time }
#{ MaxSilenceOnline, how long time to stay online with silent connections, default:10m, legal:time }
#{ ForceConn, how often to force a dialup, default:0h, legal:time }
#{ ForceConnHigh, how often to force a dialup during businesshours, default:0h, legal:time }
#{ BusMonFri, When is businesshours?, default:00:00-23:59, legal:yy:mm-yy:mm }
#{ MailBufCnt, Number of mail waiting before dialup, default:0, legal:numeric }
#{ MailBufMaxAge, How old one mail can get before connecting, default:0h, legal:time }
#{ AtConnect, url to load at connect, legal:url }
#{ AtConnectMail, mail to send at connect, legal:email%subject%body }
#{ , Obsoleted }
#{ Prefetch, OBSOLETE! User MaxPref to control instead, default:On, legal:On/Off }
#{ AdminPass, OBSOLETED! PLEASE REMOVE !!! Password for administration-logon }
#{ Caching, OBSOLETE! Use CacheSize to control, default:On, legal:On/Off }
#{ ForceON, command to connect e.g. mydial.exe -on (please use RASDial instead) }
#{ ForceOFF, command to disconnect e.g. mydial.exe -off (please use RASDial instead) }
#{ primDNS, primary dns-server (obsoleted by outerDNS), legal:ip }
#{ secDNS, secondary dns-server (obsoleted by outerDNS), legal:ip }
#{ Experimental, Activate Experimental Features (currently HTTP/1.1), default:Off, legal:On/Off }
#{ SafeSMTP, Only inside trustnet may send outgoing mail. (obsoleted, use IsSpam for non-trustnet. From within trustnet everything is accepted), default:Off, legal:On/Off }